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Heat Source Selection of Energy-saving Sleeve Dryer

Heat Source Selection of Energy-saving Sleeve Dryer
The sleeve dryer can be divided into energy-saving sleeve dryer and non-energy saving sleeve dryer. It is mainly used to dry granular materials within a certain temperature and granularity like yellow sand used in dry mortar industry. Energy-saving sleeve drying machine is now increasingly being used in industrial, mining and other fields. Has now become a large industry must drying machinery, but the drying operation, we first need to consider is the heat problem, because of the different heat source on the drying effect is different, so the choice of energy-saving sleeve dryer heat when we need to note what principle? Below Henan Fote Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd., for you to explain:

1. is a safe and reliable. This point of the direct combustion type heat source is more important, some of the materials to be dried flammable, explosive or easily oxidized, dealing with this kind of material is preferably indirect heat source, selection of direct combustion type to have special fire or explosion proof measures.

2. the requirements of environmental protection. Some of the combustion heat in the combustion process will produce peculiar smell or smoke, is discharged to the atmosphere will produce pollution, this kind of heat source should be used cautiously.

3. is easy to operate. The selection of heat source as far as possible, convenient operation and automatic control, to ensure product quality stability.

4. the requirements of product quality. The heating temperature, heat source of clean degree on the quality of products has a great influence on.

5. economic easy. The heat source for the appropriate, considering both the cost of various heat source, but also consider the easy access.

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